Meet our partners: IGAR – Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy
From left to right: Dr. Gheorghe Kucsicsa, Dr. Monica Dumitrascu, Dr. Miahela Sima, Dr. Ana Ursanu and Dr. Ines Grigorescu. The team from the Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy (IGAR), led by Dr. Mihaela Sima, is represented by an interdisciplinary team of geographers, with expertise in environmental, physical and human geography: Dr. Gheorghe…
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Living Lab Framework established
Europe-LAND aims to influence future land-use decisions and support climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation efforts. As such, it is crucial to understand the perspectives of various local and national stakeholders who are making relevant decisions on land-use. The Europe-LAND team developed a Living Lab Framework, outlining proposed actions to actively engage stakeholders in each…
Harmonized database of European land-use data published
Europe-LAND just published our database of harmonized European land-use data last month! Since early 2024, project partners have been approaching national paying agencies and other relevant stakeholders to obtain IACS data from all European countries. The Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) of the EU keeps track of where and for what farmers apply for…
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The first Europe-LAND Newsletter is out now!
The first issue of the Europe-LAND project Newsletter is available for download now! In this issue, the project partners present the current status of work after the first 18 months of the project. Some exciting first public outputs are available as well, and they lay out what is to come next. Download the Newsletter 1…
Continue Reading… The first Europe-LAND Newsletter is out now!