The Europe-LAND Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
To facilitate policy design and implementation in the field of land use, the Europe-LAND project aims to engage with stakeholders from various backgrounds, from land users such as farmers and foresters, land owners, to policy makers on local, regional, national and international levels, to industry, academia and research. Find out below what participatory actions we have planned over the duration of the project.
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Participatory Actions
Expert Webinar Series
This action is targeted at all project stakeholders.
Within the first year of the Europe-LAND project, this series of webinars will reflect on concrete insights from stakeholders on key motivations and drivers behind land-use decisions, as well as levels of understanding and the awareness of climate change and biodiversity challenges.
#1 “Towards Sustainable Land-use Strategies in the Context of Climate Change and Biodiversity Challenges in Europe – Introducing the Europe-LAND project” – held 26th October 2023
#2 “Harmonization of European land use data – challenges and opportunities” – held 23rd November 2023
#3 “Who drives the transition towards a more sustainable European land use? The crucial role(s) of stakeholders” – 18th January 2024, 13:00 h (CET), more information and registration:
#4 “In the spotlight: the Europe-LAND case studies” – 15th February 2024, more information and registration to follow
#5 “Mapping future land-use and land cover patterns – the Europe-LAND approach” – 14th March 2024, more information and registration to follow
#6 “Exploring the potential of Telecoupling for improving European land management” – 18th April 2024, more information and registration to follow
Expert Exchanges
This action is targeted towards experts from academia, research, policy and practice.
Over the course of the project, partners engage with a range of experts on project relevant topics, from land-use to modelling, policy and methodological approaches. These exchanges range from consultations during meetings and workshops, discussions at events and conferences, network engagement to mid-term collaborations on subtasks and joint publications. The goal is to achieve synergies with mutual benefits for all. The project can profit from expertise and direct input on relevant issues whilst external experts can benefit from project outputs, results and joint work.
In order to establish contact or stay in touch with the project, please consider signing up to our stakeholder pool.
Science Policy Dialogue
This action is targeted towards EU representatives and relevant EU projects.
In order to align research and policy work with expectations and needs of the European Commission, the Europe-LAND project proposes a yearly policy dialogue, also inviting other relevant EU projects working in the field of land-use and land cover change policy. The four proposed steps of the dialogue are as follows:
STEP 1 (2024) – Virtual round-table with relevant HE projects to identify policy issues covered by the projects, first policy recommendations and open questions. EU representatives are welcome too to share their perspectives
STEP 2 (2025) – Workshop with HE projects to filter policy areas, form sub-categories and discuss open questions from Step 1
STEP 3 (2026) – Workshop discussing results of Steps 1 and 2 with EU representatives, aligning work with policy objectives, identify remaining knowledge and research gaps
STEP 4 (2027) – Public presentation of policy dialogue achievements in the frame of the Europe-LAND final conference
Continuous collaboration with other projects
This action is targeted towards HE and other European projects in the field of land use, land management, land cover change and policy work.
You are part of a European research project on land use and land cover change and want to connect to explore possible collaborations and synergies? Become part of our project network!
Final Conference
This action is targeted towards all stakeholder groups.
Expected May 2027
At the end of the project, a final conference will be organized in Hamburg, Germany, presenting main project outputs and results, including the results of the Science-Policy Dialogue, to a wide range of stakeholders