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Stakeholder Engagement

The Europe-LAND Stakeholder Engagement Strategy


To facilitate policy design and implementation in the field of land use, the Europe-LAND project aims to engage with stakeholders from various backgrounds, from land users such as farmers and foresters, land owners, to policy makers on local, regional, national and international levels, to industry, academia and research. Find out below what participatory actions we have planned over the duration of the project.

Join our Pool of Stakeholders

To receive updates, invitations to project events, opportunities to collaborate in joint actions and stay in contact with the project, you can join our pool of stakeholders by clicking the button below:

Follow our LinkedIN account to receive updates on the project as well as new developments in the field of European land-use.

Participatory Actions

Expert Webinar Series

Expert Exchanges

Science Policy Dialogue

Continuous collaboration with other projects

Final Conference