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Towards Sustainable Land-Use in Europe

The European research project “Towards Sustainable Land-Use in the Context of Climate Change and Biodiversity in Europe (in short: Europe-LAND)” aims to develop, test and implement integrated tools that can improve our understanding of the factors behind land use decisions in Europe. In addition, Europe-LAND aims to explore the awareness and engagement of agricultural and land-use stakeholders in relation to the challenges of climate change and biodiversity. Our consortium strives to expand the knowledge base on how land use decisions can be influenced to efficiently and socially responsibly support policy goals such as mitigation and adaptation to climate change and biodiversity conservation. Finally, our dissemination activities will mobilise our stakeholders (e.g. land users, local, regional and national authorities, policy-makers, regulatory agencies etc.) by providing a smooth and efficient knowledge transfer of project results to our target groups.

Land-use changes are a root cause for many sustainability challenges, such as food security, climate change and biodiversity loss. A profound understanding of land-use chagnes is therefore essential to foster a better understanding of the human interactions with the environment. Obtaining a deeper knowledge of the dynamics of land-use change and its underlying factors, together with an assessment of the effectiveness of different land management practices at various scales in providing sustainable solutions, represent important milstones for tackling climate change and biodiversity challenges. Focusing on Europe, Europe-LAND will provide a better understanding of these multiple interactions, synergies and trade-offs amongst the factors that influence land-use


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