Menü Schließen

Faceți cunoștință cu partenerii noștri: Universitatea din Copenhaga

The University of Copenhagen (UCPH) team is based at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management. Anton Stal Olafsson leads the research group “Nature, Green Spaces and Outdoor Recreation” at the section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, Martin Rudbeck Jepsen co-leads the research group “Land Use, Earth Observation, and Sustainability” at the Geography Section, and Kristoffer Ansbak Petersen is a PhD fellow in the “Land Use, Earth Observation, and Sustainability” research group. Combined, they hold expertise in land system science, geoinformatics, and social science aspects of land use broadly and farming in particular.

The UCPH team contributes to Europe LAND WP2 where we enjoy collecting and analyzing spatial IACS data on agricultural behavior with a focus on how green elements of the EU Common Agricultural Policy are adopted across the EU. We aim to create knowledge that help the CAP become smarter and better in balancing production and biodiversity.