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Webinar “Towards sustainable European land-use strategies – The importance of participatory approaches”

January 23rd 2024, 13:00 – 14:00h (CET)
In this short webinar, Europe-LAND partners shared their experience in using participatory approaches in engaging a close cooperation with the stakeholders involved in land management in European countries. In addition, the webinar presented the Europe-LAND perspectives on using Living Lab methodologies to promote a wide and active involvement of various stakeholder groups across several European countries and case studies.

Key note speakers Veronika Gaube (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria), Danka Moravcikova (Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Slovakia) and Mihaela Sima (Romanian Academy, Institute of Geography, Romania) presented several opportunities for stakeholder interaction with the project, in order to enable stakeholders to link up with the project and benefit from research results in the course of the 4-year project.

Access the presentation slides here