In Sweden, a Christmas tree is classified as forest, whereas in Denmark, it is considered a crop—an example that underscores the complexity of agricultural land-use classification across Europe. To uncover hidden insights when analysing agricultural land-use using agricultural data sets, share cutting edge research, practical experiences and illustrative lessons learned when working with IACS data, Europe-LAND’s Work Package 2 team —Prof. Martin Rudbeck Jepsen (University of Copenhagen, DK), Prof. Daniel Müller and Clemens Jänicke (IAMO, DE), in close collaboration with the Project Coordination Office team from Hamburg University of Applied Sciences—organized an expert workshop from February 19–21, 2025, in Hamburg, Germany..
We were happy to welcome a great number of IACS experts from science but also representatives from DG AGRI and the JRC, who joined these days to share cutting edge research, practical experiences and illustrative lessons learned when working with agricultural data sets. This event was a fantastic example of joint action as well as fostering the networking among European experts working with IACS data.
A New Community for Ongoing Exchange
Building on the insights and discussions from this workshop, we are excited to announce the establishment of a community aimed at fostering regular exchange between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners working with IACS data. This network will serve as a platform to facilitate discussions, share updates on ongoing research, and enhance collaboration across different sectors.
With this initiative, Europe-LAND will continue to support scientific interaction, drive innovative research, and strengthen the understanding of agricultural land-use behavior and its drivers at the EU level.
Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s shape the future of European agricultural data together.