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Webinar: "În lumina reflectoarelor: studiile de caz Europa-LAND"

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Webinar: "În lumina reflectoarelor: studiile de caz Europa-LAND"

martie 14, 2024 @ 13:00 - 14:15

In this short webinar, we will provide an overview of the 8th case studies undertaken in Europe-LAND project, outlining their common approaches, but also specificities to illustrate the complexity of European land use, land management and related decision making. Case studies are considered demonstrators of the project tasks in order to better understand key factors behind land use decisions at the local and regional levels, behavior and motivations of land users in adopting sustainable practices to address climate change adaptation and biodiversity challenges, as well as case-specific trade-offs between land use and conservation.

To enable stakeholders to link up with the project and benefit from research results in the course of the 4-year project, several opportunities for stakeholder interaction with the project will be presented.


13:00-13:05 Brief Introduction of the Europe-LAND project – Franziska Wolf (HAW)

13:05-13:15 Europe-LAND case studies: an overview of methodologies, common features and approaches – Veronika Gaube (BOKU) and Mihaela Sima (IGAR)

13:15-13:55 “Tour” de Europe-LAND case studies – Representatives from the project

13:55-14:00 Synthesis: Europe-LAND’s scientific case study research agenda – Mihaela Sima (IGAR)

14:00-14:15 Q&A and end of the webinar


You can download the slides from the presentations aici


martie 14, 2024
13:00 - 14:15