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Second General Assembly meeting in Coimbra: A recap

Group picture of attendees in Coimbra

On June 20, 2024, all project partners met at the historic University of Coimbra to discuss the progress made so far and the next steps of the project. In addition to the consortium, we also welcomed our EU representative Pilar Roman and the members of the advisory committee online.

After a warm welcome by Prof. Helena Freitas (University of Coimbra) and opening words by Franziska Wolf (HAW Hamburg), our EU officer gave a keynote speech, focusing on the importance of policy developments for the project work and sharing project outputs publicly. The heads of the work packages then gave an overview of their work to date and answered questions. The day was concluded with a dinner in the scenic botanical garden of the university.

The second day focused on special parallel sessions, aligning workflows between work packages, brainstorming ideas for features for the planned Europe-LAND Toolbox and defining a common approach to our project case studies. The meeting ended with closing remarks from our hosts and Franziska Wolf. Some partners took part in a guided tour of the university and the old library.

The second general meeting marked an important milestone after the first year of the project. We would like to thank our hosts at the University of Coimbra for the perfect organization and our partners for their continued support.

picture from CFE-UC