Technical Workshop “Prospective trends in the mapping of future expected land use and land cover patterns”
April 24 @ 09:00 - 10:30
The environment surrounding us is constantly changing! Human activities directly determine land use and land cover changes (e.g., land for agriculture, urban sprawl, areas for recreation) and indirectly influence them through climate change impacts. To protect ecosystems and biodiversity, it is crucial to study these changes and mitigate adverse effects. The aim of the Europe-LAND project is to identify how land use decisions can be steered towards more sustainable practices to meet policy objectives.
An efficient tool for managing land cover changes is modelling. The purpose of this workshop is to provide insights into land use and land cover change modelling possibilities and demonstrate its application potential.
This capacity-building seminar aims at (i) providing an overview of prospective trends in the mapping of future expected land use and land cover patters, (ii) introducing a comprehensive land use/land cover modelling tool database and guide the audience on how to use this in research and practice by means of an educational tool (modelling cards), and, finally, (iii) showcasing a set of success stories of modelling applications. Some interactive elements, e.g. a compact survey, will enrich the online experience. In a dedicated Q+A session at the end of the event, the Europe-LAND experts will be happy to guide interested stakeholders towards choosing the right modelling tool for distinctive applications in an interactive dialogue.
9:00-9:15 Introduction – Maris Klavins, University of Latvia, Latvia
9:15-9:30 Land use/land cover modelling tool database and success stories of modelling applications – Lucie Kupkova, Charles University, Czech Republic
9:30-9:45 Scenario-based modelling land-use and land cover changes to promote sustainability in biosphere reserves: A case study from North Vidzeme, Latvia – Janis Krumins, University of Latvia, Latvia
9:45-10:00 Modelling case study on land use/land cover changes in Romania – Gheorghe Kucsicsa and Mihaela Sima, Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy, Romania
10:00-10:30 Discussion – Maris Nartiss, University of Lativa, Latvia