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Webinarium: "Mapowanie przyszłych wzorców użytkowania gruntów i pokrycia terenu - podejście Europe-LAND"

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Webinarium: "Mapowanie przyszłych wzorców użytkowania gruntów i pokrycia terenu - podejście Europe-LAND"

15 lutego 2024 @ 13:00 - 14:00

In this short webinar, Europe-LAND partners discussed land use/land cover modelling possibilities and significance for development planning, climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation as well as impacts of environmental change on it. Project partners have shared their experience on land use/land cover modelling. In addition, the webinar presented the Europe-LAND perspectives on land use/land cover modelling and its significance to promote a wide and active involvement of various stakeholder groups across several European countries and case studies.

To enable stakeholders to link up with the project and benefit from research results in the course of the 4-year project, several opportunities for stakeholder interaction with the project have been presented.

You can find the presentations from the webinar here!


luty 15, 2024
13:00 - 14:00