Have you already noticed the release of the new: “The next frontier for climate change science” report? It was published by the European Commission and offers great insights from IPCC authors of the 6th Assessment Report on knowledge gaps and priorities for research. It highlights open research needs to more effectively and adequately address climate change, also in terms of sustainable land management.
Concerning land use and land management issues, our Europe-LAND researchers started in 2023 to actively work on a set of scientific contributions that help to fill such identified knowledge gaps, e.g. through harmonizing EU-wide data, analysing agricultural behaviour and its drivers, creating EU-wide inventories of freshwater wetlands, assessing factors that influence decision-making processes in land management with a view to the biodiversity dimension, mapping of future land use and land cover patterns and modelling future land use changes under different socio-economic and biophysical scenarios.
Europe-LAND will share any new knowledge openly as we proceed over the next years until summer 2027 and cordially invites all interested stakeholders to become a member of its stakeholder community. Simply klikněte zde to join.